Friday 18 February 2011

Comic Book Portfolio

Been a while...

Although it's been some time since my last post, I have a good reason... I have been trying my hand at some more comic book art on my quest to become a comic artist. Since I shall be going to comic conventions, I thought I should really be drawing on a daily basis and trying to put a portfolio together... However, what with a full-time job, I've hardly had the time to actually sit down and do this. What I have found time to do is pictured below... The beginning of my portfolio to comic book stardom!
These are just a few quick sketches, I'll upload the completed pictures once I am happy with them and are finished...

Thursday 5 August 2010

Lee Townsend...

Today I met a Marvel artist by the name of Lee Townsend. He gave me a few tips and pointers of how I can get started in this business (many thanks Lee) :)

I shall also start using this blog more often and Lee has inspired me to create and draw more comic book images.

Below are some drawings I done when I was younger... More up-to-date drawings to come...

Wednesday 14 July 2010

I Should Be An Artist...

Hello! And welcome to my blog... I am not an artist, but, I can draw/sketch and paint.

I have decided to start this blog after seeing a particular artist, Lee Townsend's blog, which inspired me to create my own. I shall be uploading an image of a sketch or painting or whatever on here each day (or maybe more, depending if I get requests) just to basically show people my work.

So... below is my first sketch, I used biro and I drew this when I was about 13. It was on the 1st page of a Spiderman comic I used to read. This was one of the first drawings I did out of a comic book... I should really do more, as I do enjoy it, however, it's just finding the time or being "in the mood"... Please feel free to leave comments etc... More pictures to come, all in good time...